Сегодня родилась Артемьева Людмила Викторовна
10 февраля 1963 года родилась Артемьева Людмила Викторовна. Это самобытная российская актриса театра и кино, телеведущая. Людмила Артемьева известна зрителям благодаря сериалам "Сваты", "Таксистка", "Кто в доме хозяин". В 1986 году она окончила Театральное училище имени Щукина. Впервые на экранах телевидения Людмила Артемьева дебютировала в 1986 году в школьном фильме "Очень страшная история". Другие известные фильмы с участием Людмилы Артемьевой: "Зависть богов", "Нина", "Две судьбы".
On February 10, 1963 Artemyeva Lyudmila Viktorovna was born. This is an original Russian actress of theater and cinema, a TV host. Lyudmila Artemyeva is known to the audience thanks to series "Matchmakers", "Taksistka", "Who is the Owner in the House". In 1986 she graduated from the Theatrical school of Schukin. For the first time on screens of television Lyudmila Artemyeva debuted in 1986 in the school movie "Very Terrifying Story". Other famous movies with Lyudmila Artemyeva's participation are: "Envy of gods", Nina, "Two destinies".
On February 10, 1963 Artemyeva Lyudmila Viktorovna was born. This is an original Russian actress of theater and cinema, a TV host. Lyudmila Artemyeva is known to the audience thanks to series "Matchmakers", "Taksistka", "Who is the Owner in the House". In 1986 she graduated from the Theatrical school of Schukin. For the first time on screens of television Lyudmila Artemyeva debuted in 1986 in the school movie "Very Terrifying Story". Other famous movies with Lyudmila Artemyeva's participation are: "Envy of gods", Nina, "Two destinies".
- master, owner
- theater
- history
- envy
- for the first time
- fate, fortune
- horrible
- viewer, spectator