Сегодня родилась Барто Агния Львовна
17 февраля 1906 года в Москве родилась Барто Агния Львовна. Это русская и советская детская поэтесса, писательница, сценарист, радиоведущая. На стихах этой чудесной поэтессы выросло целое поколение. Премию, которую поэтесса получила во время войны за своё творчество, она отдала на строительство танка. Стиль стихов Агнии Барто был очень лёгкий. Они легко читаются и быстро запоминаются. Некоторые стихи Агнии Барто были экранизированы в мультфильмы.
On February 17, 1906 in Moscow Bartho Agniya Lvovna was born. This is a Russian and Soviet children's poetess, a writer, a screenwriter, radio host. On verses of this wonderful poetess the whole generation was grown. An award which the poetess had got during war for her creativity, she has given on construction of the tank. Style of verses of Agniya Bartho was very easy. They are easily read and quickly remembered. Some verses of Agniya Bartho have been picturized in animated films.
On February 17, 1906 in Moscow Bartho Agniya Lvovna was born. This is a Russian and Soviet children's poetess, a writer, a screenwriter, radio host. On verses of this wonderful poetess the whole generation was grown. An award which the poetess had got during war for her creativity, she has given on construction of the tank. Style of verses of Agniya Bartho was very easy. They are easily read and quickly remembered. Some verses of Agniya Bartho have been picturized in animated films.
- creation
- builder
- verse, lines
- cartoon
- easy, easily
- easy, light
- time