Сегодня родилась Гицерот Наталья Максимиллиановна
17 февраля 1915 года в Саратове родилась Гицерот Наталья Максимиллиановна. Это российская актриса, актриса балета. Наталья Гицерот была актрисой Саратовского театра оперы и балета. Фильмы с участием обаятельной актрисы Натальи Гицерот: "Три товарища", "Джульбарс", "Закон жизни", "Белый пудель" и многие другие.
On February 17, 1915 in Saratov Gitserot Natalya Maksimillianovna was born. This is a Russian actress, a ballet actress. Natalya Gitserot was an actress of Saratov Opera and Ballet Theatre. Movies with participation of the charming actress Natalya Gitserot are: "Three companions", "Dzhulbars", "Law of life", "A white poodle" and many others.
On February 17, 1915 in Saratov Gitserot Natalya Maksimillianovna was born. This is a Russian actress, a ballet actress. Natalya Gitserot was an actress of Saratov Opera and Ballet Theatre. Movies with participation of the charming actress Natalya Gitserot are: "Three companions", "Dzhulbars", "Law of life", "A white poodle" and many others.
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- ballet
- February
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