Интересные факты о бурундуках
В мире существует 25 видов бурундуков. В дикой природе бурундуки живут около трёх лет, однако в неволе они живут около восьми лет. Бурундуки могут прятать пищу в своих щечках. Взрослый бурундук может спрятать в своих щеках несколько небольших орехов. Бурундуки похожи на белок, но меньше их по размеру. Вес взрослого зверька составляет сто граммов.
There are 25 species of chipmunks in the world. Chipmunks live in the wild nature about three years, however they live in captivity about eight years. Chipmunks can hide food in their cheeks. An adult chipmunk can hide several small nuts in its cheeks. Chipmunks are similar to squirrels, but they are less than them by the size. The weight of an adult animal is one hundred grams.
There are 25 species of chipmunks in the world. Chipmunks live in the wild nature about three years, however they live in captivity about eight years. Chipmunks can hide food in their cheeks. An adult chipmunk can hide several small nuts in its cheeks. Chipmunks are similar to squirrels, but they are less than them by the size. The weight of an adult animal is one hundred grams.
- size, dimention
- alike, resembling
- smaller, less
- adult
- nature