Новая звездная система
В конце 2016 и начале 2017 года астрономы обнаружили новую планетарную систему, которая получила название TRAPPIST-1. Она находится в зодиакальном созвездии Водолея на расстоянии 39.5 световых года от Солнца. Она состоит из одиночной звезды и семи экзопланет. По словам ученых, три планеты этой системы могут иметь жизнь на своей поверхности, поскольку они находятся на таком расстоянии от своей звезды, что могли бы иметь жидкую воду на своей поверхности.
At the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017 astronomers found a new planetary system which has received the name TRAPPIST-1. It is located in the zodiac constellation of Aquarius at distance of 39.5 light years from the Sun. It consists of a single star and seven exoplanets. According to scientists, three planets of this system can have life on their surface as they are at such distance from their star that could have liquid water on their surface.
At the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017 astronomers found a new planetary system which has received the name TRAPPIST-1. It is located in the zodiac constellation of Aquarius at distance of 39.5 light years from the Sun. It consists of a single star and seven exoplanets. According to scientists, three planets of this system can have life on their surface as they are at such distance from their star that could have liquid water on their surface.
- name, title
- life
- sun
- system
- to be, to exist
- star