Сегодня родился Ге Николай Николаевич
27 февраля 1831 года родился Ге Николай Николаевич. Это русский живописец и рисовальщик, мастер портретов, исторических и религиозных полотен, автор некоторых скульптур. Самое известное полотно Николая Ге - это "Тайная вечеря". За это полотно он получил звание профессора. Николай Ге дружил с русским писателем Львом Толстым. Коллекции работ картин Николая Ге хранятся во многих музеях мира, в том числе в Третьяковской галерее в Москве.
On February 27, 1831 Ge Nikolay Nikolaevich was born. This is a Russian painter and a draftsman, a master of portraits, historical and religious pictures, an author of some sculptures. The most known picture of Nikolay Ge is "Last Supper". For this picture he was entitled a professor. Nikolay Ge was on friendly terms with the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Collections of works of pictures of Nikolay Ge are stored in many museums of the world, including in the Tretyakov gallery in Moscow.
On February 27, 1831 Ge Nikolay Nikolaevich was born. This is a Russian painter and a draftsman, a master of portraits, historical and religious pictures, an author of some sculptures. The most known picture of Nikolay Ge is "Last Supper". For this picture he was entitled a professor. Nikolay Ge was on friendly terms with the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Collections of works of pictures of Nikolay Ge are stored in many museums of the world, including in the Tretyakov gallery in Moscow.
- mystery
- professor
- portrait
- foreman, expert
- evening
- work, job
- collection
- picture
- gallery