Перуанская голая собака
Перуанская голая собака - это редкая порода собак родом из Перу. Она существовала задолго до цивилизации инков. Перуанская голая собака появилась между третьим веком до нашей эры и четырнадцатым веком нашей эры. Перуанская голая собака была священной собакой цивилизации инков. Этой собаке приписывали способность лечить многие заболевания.
Peruvian naked dog is a rare breed of dog from Peru. It existed long before the Inca civilization. The Peruvian naked dog has appeared between the third century B.C. and the fourteenth century of our era. The Peruvian naked dog was a sacred dog of the Inca civilization. It was attributed to this dog ability to treat many diseases.
Peruvian naked dog is a rare breed of dog from Peru. It existed long before the Inca civilization. The Peruvian naked dog has appeared between the third century B.C. and the fourteenth century of our era. The Peruvian naked dog was a sacred dog of the Inca civilization. It was attributed to this dog ability to treat many diseases.
- between
- to treat, to cure
- fourteen
- abilities
- dog