Сегодня родилась Ратушинская Ирина Борисовна
4 марта 1954 года родилась Ратушинская Ирина Борисовна. Это русская поэтесса, писательница и сценарист. Ирина Ратушинская преподавала в университете Чикаго. Основные мотивы ее поэзии: религиозные мотивы, тема ответственности личности и борьбы за духовную независимость. Самые известные литературные произведения Ирины Ратушинской: "Вне лимита", "Сказка о трёх головах", "Я доживу", "Наследники минного поля" и другие.
On March 4, 1954 Ratushinskaya Irina Borisovna was born. This is a Russian poetess, a writer and a screenwriter. Irina Ratushinskaya taught at the University of Chicago. Main motives of her poetry are: religious motives, subject of responsibility of the personality and fight for spiritual independence. The most famous literary works of Irina Ratushinskaya are: "Out of a limit", "The tale of three heads", "I will live", "Heirs of the minefield" and others.
On March 4, 1954 Ratushinskaya Irina Borisovna was born. This is a Russian poetess, a writer and a screenwriter. Irina Ratushinskaya taught at the University of Chicago. Main motives of her poetry are: religious motives, subject of responsibility of the personality and fight for spiritual independence. The most famous literary works of Irina Ratushinskaya are: "Out of a limit", "The tale of three heads", "I will live", "Heirs of the minefield" and others.
- university
- fairy tale
- independence
- work
- fundamental, main
- head