Сегодня родилась Турчанинова Евдокия Дмитриевна
14 марта 1870 года в Москве родилась Турчанинова Евдокия Дмитриевна. Это российская и советская драматическая актриса. Длительное время она была в составе труппы Малого театра. Евдокия Турчанинова начала свою творческую карьеру как комедийная актриса и травести. Она играла хара́ктерные роли и роли старух.
On March 14, 1870 in Moscow Turchaninova Eudoxia Dmitriyevna was born. This is a Russian and Soviet drama actress. A long time it was as a part of troupe of Maly Theatre. Eudoxia Turchaninova started her creative career as a comedy actress and a travesty. She played character parts and roles of old women.
On March 14, 1870 in Moscow Turchaninova Eudoxia Dmitriyevna was born. This is a Russian and Soviet drama actress. A long time it was as a part of troupe of Maly Theatre. Eudoxia Turchaninova started her creative career as a comedy actress and a travesty. She played character parts and roles of old women.
- theater
- time
- soviet