Сегодня родился Ливанов Аристарх Евгеньевич
17 марта 1947 года родился Ливанов Аристарх Евгеньевич. Это советский и российский актёр театра и кино. Кинодебют молодого Ливанова состоялся в 1969 году. Актер стал знаменитым после роли офицера в фильме "Государственная граница". Другие известные фильмы с участием Аристарха Ливанова: "Эти невинные забавы", "Расколотое небо", "Палач", "Футболист" и другие.
On March 17, 1947 Livanov Aristarkh Evgenyevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor. Young Livanov's film debut took place in 1969. The actor became well-known after a role of the officer in the movie "Frontier". Other famous movies with Aristarkh Livanov's participation are: "These innocent entertainments", "The split sky", "Executioner", "Football player" and others.
On March 17, 1947 Livanov Aristarkh Evgenyevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor. Young Livanov's film debut took place in 1969. The actor became well-known after a role of the officer in the movie "Frontier". Other famous movies with Aristarkh Livanov's participation are: "These innocent entertainments", "The split sky", "Executioner", "Football player" and others.
- fotball-player
- film
- officer
- boundary
- young