Деко́ль — это технология нанесения изображения на керамические или стеклянные изделия. Изображение переносится на керамику с бумажной основы, а затем фиксируется высокотемпературным обжигом. Эта техника стала популярной в конце девятнадцатого века.
Dekol is a technology of drawing the image on ceramic or glass products. The image is transferred to ceramics from a paper basis, and then is fixed by high-temperature roasting. This technology became popular in the end of the nineteenth century.
Dekol is a technology of drawing the image on ceramic or glass products. The image is transferred to ceramics from a paper basis, and then is fixed by high-temperature roasting. This technology became popular in the end of the nineteenth century.
- technique, machinery, engineering
- after
- popular
- to carry
- nineteen