Сегодня родился Шпет Густав Густавович
7 апреля 1789 года родился Шпет Густав Густавович. Это российский философ, психолог, теоретик искусства, переводчик философской и художественной литературы. Густав Шпет популярен своими сочинениями на философские и эстетические темы, включая "Явление и смысл", "Эстетические фрагменты", "Проблема причинности у Юма и Канта" и многие другие.
On April 7, 1789 Spet Gustav Gustawowitsch was born. This is a Russian philosopher, a psychologist, a theorist of art, a translator philosophical and fiction. Gustav Spet is popular by his compositions on philosophical and esthetic subjects, including "The phenomenon and sense", "Esthetic fragments", "A causality problem at Yuma and Kant" and many others.
On April 7, 1789 Spet Gustav Gustawowitsch was born. This is a Russian philosopher, a psychologist, a theorist of art, a translator philosophical and fiction. Gustav Spet is popular by his compositions on philosophical and esthetic subjects, including "The phenomenon and sense", "Esthetic fragments", "A causality problem at Yuma and Kant" and many others.
- philosopher
- sense, meaning
- psychologist
- problem
- translator, interpretator
- art