Сегодня родилась Арина Родионовна
21 апреля 1758 года родилась Арина Родионовна. Это няня русского писателя Александра Сергеевича Пушкина, кормилица его старшей сестры Ольги. Александр Пушкин на всю жизнь сохранил к ней трогательное, любящее отношение. Он посвятил ей стихотворения и многократно упоминал в своих письмах. В 1974 году в доме Арины Родионовны в селе Кобрино открыт музей «Домик няни Пушкина».
On April 21, 1758 Arina Rodionovna was born. It is a nurse of the Russian writer Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, a wet nurse of his elder sister Olga. Alexander Pushkin has for the rest of life kept to her the touching, loving relation. He has devoted her poems and repeatedly mentioned in the letters. In 1974 in Arina Rodionovna's house in the village of Kobrino the museum "A lodge of the nurse of Pushkin was opened. ".
On April 21, 1758 Arina Rodionovna was born. It is a nurse of the Russian writer Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, a wet nurse of his elder sister Olga. Alexander Pushkin has for the rest of life kept to her the touching, loving relation. He has devoted her poems and repeatedly mentioned in the letters. In 1974 in Arina Rodionovna's house in the village of Kobrino the museum "A lodge of the nurse of Pushkin was opened. ".
- museum
- life
- letter
- relationships (noun, plural)