Сегодня родился Щукин Николай Леонидович
25 апреля 1848 года родился Щукин Николай Леонидович. Это инженер, конструктор паровозов, учёный в области железнодорожного транспорта. По проекту Щукина было построено несколько паровозов, включая танк-паровоз и пассажирские паровозы. По проекту Николая Щукина был также построен самый протяжённый в мире нефтепровод Баку — Батуми протяженностью около девятисот километров.
On April 25, 1848 Schukin Nikolay Leonidovich was born. This is a engineer, a designer of engines, a scientist in the field of railway transport. On Schukin's project several engines, including the tank engine and passenger engines have been constructed. On On Nikolay Schukin's project the most extended in the world Baku — Batumi pipeline about nine hundred kilometers long has been also constructed.
On April 25, 1848 Schukin Nikolay Leonidovich was born. This is a engineer, a designer of engines, a scientist in the field of railway transport. On Schukin's project several engines, including the tank engine and passenger engines have been constructed. On On Nikolay Schukin's project the most extended in the world Baku — Batumi pipeline about nine hundred kilometers long has been also constructed.
- scientist
- transport
- engineer
- province, region