Пираньи - это тропические хищные рыбы, которые обитают в пресной воде Южной Америки. Пираньи употребляются в пищу индейцами. Некоторые виды пираньи содержатся в аквариумах в качестве декоративных рыб. На сегодняшний день в мире насчитывается около пятидесяти видов пираний. Стая пираний может за несколько минут обглодать животное весом около полу тонны, но эти рыбы никогда не нападут, если они сыты.
Piranhas are tropical predatory fishes who live in fresh water of South America. Piranhas are eaten by Indians. Some species of piranha are kept in aquariums as decorative fishes. Today in the world there are about fifty species of piranhas. The shoal of piranhas can eat in several minutes an animal weighting near half-ton, but these fishes will never attack if they are full.
Piranhas are tropical predatory fishes who live in fresh water of South America. Piranhas are eaten by Indians. Some species of piranha are kept in aquariums as decorative fishes. Today in the world there are about fifty species of piranhas. The shoal of piranhas can eat in several minutes an animal weighting near half-ton, but these fishes will never attack if they are full.
- some, several
- animal
- aquarium (noun, m.)