Батут - это устройство для прыжков. Батут может применяться для отдыха, развлечения и проведения досуга, отработки акробатических элементов сноубордистами, горнолыжниками, вейкбордистами, трейсерами и гимнастами. Также батут используется в цирковых акробатических номерах и в качестве спортивного снаряда на соревнованиях, в том числе на Олимпийский играх. Кроме того, батут применяется для тренировки космонавтов перед полетами в космос.
Trampoline is a device for jumps. The trampoline can be applied for rest, entertainment and carrying out leisure time, practicing acrobatic exercises by snowboarders, mountain skiers, wakeboarders, treyser and gymnasts. Also the trampoline is used in circus acrobatic numbers and as an apparatus at competitions, including on Olympic games. Besides, the trampoline is applied for training of astronauts before flights in space.
Trampoline is a device for jumps. The trampoline can be applied for rest, entertainment and carrying out leisure time, practicing acrobatic exercises by snowboarders, mountain skiers, wakeboarders, treyser and gymnasts. Also the trampoline is used in circus acrobatic numbers and as an apparatus at competitions, including on Olympic games. Besides, the trampoline is applied for training of astronauts before flights in space.
- rest
- except, besides
- space
- cosmonaut, astronaut
- training
- sporting
- gymnastic