Сегодня родилась Горчакова Елена Сергеевна
12 мая 1824 года в Москве родилась Горчакова Елена Сергеевна. Это русский педагог, поэтесса, автор путевых очерков. Она получила домашнее образование. В 1879 году Елена Горчакова издала в Москве свой первый сборник «Стихотворения». Позже она издала книгу путевых очерков «Воспоминания о Крыме». Горчакова также является автором серии очерков о монастырях.
On May 12, 1824 in Moscow Gorchakova Elena Sergeyevna was born. This is a Russian teacher, a poetess, an author of traveling sketches. She has got a house education. In 1879 Elena Gorchakova has published her first collection "Poems" in Moscow. Later she has published the book of traveling sketches of "Reminiscence of the Crimea". Gorchakova is also the author of a series of sketches about monasteries.
On May 12, 1824 in Moscow Gorchakova Elena Sergeyevna was born. This is a Russian teacher, a poetess, an author of traveling sketches. She has got a house education. In 1879 Elena Gorchakova has published her first collection "Poems" in Moscow. Later she has published the book of traveling sketches of "Reminiscence of the Crimea". Gorchakova is also the author of a series of sketches about monasteries.
- Russian
- education
- monastery