Запеканка с макаронами
Запеканка с макаронами является очень простым и популярным блюдом в России и странах СНГ. Для приготовления этого блюда отварите макароны, смешайте их с нарезанными сосисками, положите их в форму для запекания. Залейте смесью взбитых яиц и молока. Посыпьте тертым сыром. Запекайте в духовке около пятнадцати минут.
Baked pudding with macaroni is a very simple and popular dish in Russia and the CIS countries. For preparation of this dish boil macaroni, mix them with the cut sausages, put them in a form for roasting. Fill in with mix of beaten-up eggs and milk. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in an oven about fifteen minutes.
Baked pudding with macaroni is a very simple and popular dish in Russia and the CIS countries. For preparation of this dish boil macaroni, mix them with the cut sausages, put them in a form for roasting. Fill in with mix of beaten-up eggs and milk. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in an oven about fifteen minutes.
- country
- simple, easy
- popular
- milk
- minute