Сегодня родилась Гузеева Лариса Андреевна
23 мая 1959 года родилась Гузеева Лариса Андреевна. Это советская и российская актриса театра и кино, телеведущая. Её первой главной и самой известной ролью в кино стала роль в фильме «Жестокий романс». В общей сложности, за свою профессиональную карьеру, актриса сыграла роли более, чем в шестидесяти фильмах.
On May 23, 1959 Guzeeva Larisa Andreevna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, a TV host. The role in the movie "Cruel Romance" became her first leading and most known role at cinema. In total, for the professional career, the actress has played roles more, than in sixty movies.
On May 23, 1959 Guzeeva Larisa Andreevna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, a TV host. The role in the movie "Cruel Romance" became her first leading and most known role at cinema. In total, for the professional career, the actress has played roles more, than in sixty movies.
- film
- theater
- famous
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