Белое озеро (Россия)
Белое озеро - это озеро, которое находится в Вологодской области России. Озеро относится к бассейну Каспийского моря. Средняя глубина озера составляет четыре метра. Семнадцать рек впадает в озеро. Белое озеро имеет тектоническое происхождение. Оно сформировалось вследствие малоамплитудных поднятий и опусканий земной коры. Озеро является судоходным.
Lake Beloye is a lake which is located in the Vologda region of Russia. The lake belongs to the basin of the Caspian Sea. Average depth of the lake is four meters. Seventeen rivers flow into the lake. Lake Beloye has a tectonic origin. It was created because of the low-amplitude raisings and lowerings of the crust. The lake is navigable.
Lake Beloye is a lake which is located in the Vologda region of Russia. The lake belongs to the basin of the Caspian Sea. Average depth of the lake is four meters. Seventeen rivers flow into the lake. Lake Beloye has a tectonic origin. It was created because of the low-amplitude raisings and lowerings of the crust. The lake is navigable.
- four
- seventeen
- lake
- pool
- Russian
- to treat