Сегодня родился Туманишвили Михаил Иосифович
19 июня 1935 года в Москве родился Туманишвили Михаил Иосифович. Это довольно известный советский и российский актёр и кинорежиссёр. В 1957 году он окончил актёрский факультет Театрального училища имени Щукина. Михаил участвовал в съёмках фильмов "Дневные звезды", "Чайковский", "Юлия Вревская". В кинорежиссуре он дебютировал фильмом «Ответный ход». Михаил Туманишвили также сыграл роли в таких фильмах, как "Ленинградская симфония", "Армагеддон" и других.
On June 19, 1935 in Moscow Tumanishvili Mikhail Iosifovich was born. This is a quite famous Soviet and Russian actor and a film director. In 1957 he graduated from actor's faculty of Theatrical school of Schukin. Mikhail participated in shootings of movies "Day Stars", "Tchaikovsky", "Yulia Vrevskaya". In film direction he debuted with the movie "Reciprocal Course". Mikhail Tumanishvili has also played roles in such movies as "The Leningrad symphony", "Armageddon" and others.
On June 19, 1935 in Moscow Tumanishvili Mikhail Iosifovich was born. This is a quite famous Soviet and Russian actor and a film director. In 1957 he graduated from actor's faculty of Theatrical school of Schukin. Mikhail participated in shootings of movies "Day Stars", "Tchaikovsky", "Yulia Vrevskaya". In film direction he debuted with the movie "Reciprocal Course". Mikhail Tumanishvili has also played roles in such movies as "The Leningrad symphony", "Armageddon" and others.
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