Кулундинское озеро
Кулундинское озеро - это самое крупное из озёр Алтайского края (Россия), которое расположено в западной части Кулундинской равнины, в шестидесяти четырех километрах восточнее города Славгорода. Это озеро не замерзает зимой. Кулундинское озеро содержит запасы мирабилита, который используется в медицине и не только.
Lake Kulunda is the largest of lakes of Altai Krai (Russia) which is located in the western part of Kulunda Steppe, in sixty four kilometers to the east of the city of Slavgorod. This lake doesn't freeze in winter. Lake Kulunda contains stocks of a mirabilit which is used in medicine and not only.
Lake Kulunda is the largest of lakes of Altai Krai (Russia) which is located in the western part of Kulunda Steppe, in sixty four kilometers to the east of the city of Slavgorod. This lake doesn't freeze in winter. Lake Kulunda contains stocks of a mirabilit which is used in medicine and not only.