Сегодня родился Яковлев Юрий Яковлевич
26 июня 1922 года родился Яковлев Юрий Яковлевич. Это советский писатель и сценарист, автор книг для детей и подростков. Многие литературные произведения Юрия Яковлевича были экранизированы: "Мальчик с коньками", "Всадник над городом", "Верный друг Санчо" и многие другие захватывающие произведения.
On June 26, 1922 Yakovlev Yury Yakovlevich was born. This is a Soviet writer and a screenwriter, an author of books for children and teenagers. Many literary works of Yury Yakovlevich have been picturized: "Boy with the skates", "Rider over the city", "The loyal friend Sancho" and many other fascinating works.
On June 26, 1922 Yakovlev Yury Yakovlevich was born. This is a Soviet writer and a screenwriter, an author of books for children and teenagers. Many literary works of Yury Yakovlevich have been picturized: "Boy with the skates", "Rider over the city", "The loyal friend Sancho" and many other fascinating works.
- writer
- boy
- faithful
- exciting