Сегодня родился Сидур Вадим Абрамович
28 июня 1924 года родился Сидур Вадим Абрамович. Это советский художник, скульптор, авангардист. За свою жизнь он создал более пятисот скульптур, около тысячи гравюр и рисунков, он также писал стихи и прозу. В 1989 году в Москве создан Музей Вадима Сидура. В июле 2014 года музей стал современным выставочным центром с профессиональным освещением и собственным кинозалом.
On June 28, 1924 Sidur Vadim Abramovich was born. This is a Soviet artist, a sculptor, an avant-gardist. For his life he have created more than five hundred sculptures, about one thousand engravings and drawings, he also wrote verses and prose. In 1989 in Moscow Vadim Sidur's Museum was created. In July, 2014 the museum became the modern exhibition center with professional lighting and its own cinema hall.
On June 28, 1924 Sidur Vadim Abramovich was born. This is a Soviet artist, a sculptor, an avant-gardist. For his life he have created more than five hundred sculptures, about one thousand engravings and drawings, he also wrote verses and prose. In 1989 in Moscow Vadim Sidur's Museum was created. In July, 2014 the museum became the modern exhibition center with professional lighting and its own cinema hall.
- center
- artist
- verse, lines
- museum
- life
- thausand