Сегодня родился Толстой Сергей Львович
10 июля 1863 года родился Толстой Сергей Львович. Это один из первых композиторов и музыкальных этнографов России, работа которых охватывала не только русский и европейский фольклор, но и музыкальные традиции Индии. Это сын знаменитого русского писателя Льва Толстого. Сергей Толстой принимал активное участие в сохранении и популяризации памятных мест, связанных с именем его отца. В 1914 году он написал первый путеводитель по Ясной Поляне.
On July 10, 1863 Tolstoy Sergey Lvovich was born. This is one of the first composers and musical ethnographers of Russia whose work covered not only the Russian and European folklore, but also musical traditions of India. This is a son of the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Sergey Tolstoy took active part in preservation and promoting of the memorable places connected with a name of his father. In 1914 he has written the first Yasnaya Polyana guide.
On July 10, 1863 Tolstoy Sergey Lvovich was born. This is one of the first composers and musical ethnographers of Russia whose work covered not only the Russian and European folklore, but also musical traditions of India. This is a son of the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Sergey Tolstoy took active part in preservation and promoting of the memorable places connected with a name of his father. In 1914 he has written the first Yasnaya Polyana guide.
- only, merely, just
- Sergey
- work, job
- first
- tradition
- writer
- monument