Великолепный Геленджик
Геленджик является российским городом-курортом, расположенным на Черноморском побережье Кавказа. Город находится в двадцати пяти километрах к юго-востоку от Новороссийска у подножия горного хребта Маркотх на побережье Геленджикской бухты Чёрного моря. Геленджик сыграл весомую роль в творчестве Михаила Лермонтова. В честь этого в городе возведен памятник выдающемуся русскому поэту.
Gelendzhik is the Russian resort town located on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The city is located in twenty five kilometers to the southeast from Novorossiysk on the foot of the ridge Markotkh on the coast of the Gelendzhik bay of the Black Sea. Gelendzhik played a major role in Mikhail Lermontov's poetry. In honor of it in the city the monument to the outstanding Russian poet has been built.
Gelendzhik is the Russian resort town located on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The city is located in twenty five kilometers to the southeast from Novorossiysk on the foot of the ridge Markotkh on the coast of the Gelendzhik bay of the Black Sea. Gelendzhik played a major role in Mikhail Lermontov's poetry. In honor of it in the city the monument to the outstanding Russian poet has been built.
Не забывайте отдыхать!
[ni zabyvàjti atdykhàt']
- Don't forget to have a rest!
- to rest
- rest
чёрное море
[chòrnaje mòre]
- Black sea
- sea
В прошлом году мы были на море.
[f pròshlam gadù my b`yli na mòri]
- Last year we were by the sea.