Сегодня родился Воробьёв Максим Никифорович
17 августа 1787 года родился Воробьёв Максим Никифорович. Это русский живописец, который был наставником целого поколения русских пейзажистов. Воробьев занимает значительное место в истории русской живописи как романтический пейзажист. Cамые известные картины Воробьёва находятся во дворцах, в имении Фалль графа Бенкендорфа и в немногих частных коллекциях. В Эрмитаже находится "Придел Голгофы".
On August 17, 1787 Vorobyyov Maxim Nikiforovich was born. This is the Russian painter who was the mentor of the whole generation of the Russian landscape writers. Vorobyov takes an important place in the history of the Russian painting as romantic peyzazhist. The most known pictures of Vorobyyov are in palaces, in a manor of Fall Benkendorf's column and in the few private collections. There is "a Side-altar of Golgotha" in the Hermitage.
On August 17, 1787 Vorobyyov Maxim Nikiforovich was born. This is the Russian painter who was the mentor of the whole generation of the Russian landscape writers. Vorobyov takes an important place in the history of the Russian painting as romantic peyzazhist. The most known pictures of Vorobyyov are in palaces, in a manor of Fall Benkendorf's column and in the few private collections. There is "a Side-altar of Golgotha" in the Hermitage.
- Russian
- place
- which
- famous
- painting
- picture
- artist