Русская тельняшка
19 августа 1874 года тельняшка была официально утверждена в качестве формы матросов на русском флоте. Это тёплая нательная одежда, закрывающая туловище и руки. Она имеет чередующиеся горизонтальные синие и белые полоски. Первоначально такое цветовое оформление давало возможность видеть действия матросов при их работе с парусами на реях, а затем стало просто традицией.
On August 19, 1874 the stripped vest was officially approved as a form of sailors on the Russian fleet. It is the warm next-to-skin warm clothes covering a trunk and hands. It has the alternating horizontal blue and white strips. Originally such color registration gave the possibility to see actions of sailors during their work with sails on yards, and then it became a simple tradition.
On August 19, 1874 the stripped vest was officially approved as a form of sailors on the Russian fleet. It is the warm next-to-skin warm clothes covering a trunk and hands. It has the alternating horizontal blue and white strips. Originally such color registration gave the possibility to see actions of sailors during their work with sails on yards, and then it became a simple tradition.
- clothes
- an opportunity
- to see
- fleet