Озеро Джека Лондона
Озеро Джека Лондона расположено в Магаданской области (Россия). Оно окружено горами и находится на высоте 803 метра. Его длина равна 10 километров, а глубина достигает 50 метров. Это удивительно чистое озеро входит в природный парк известный под названием "Озеро Джека Лондона". Узкое вытянутое озеро напоминает фьорды Норвегии. До конца июля на озере плавают льдины, но у берегов вода прогревается до +10-12 °C. Наивысшие уровни воды наблюдаются в середине-конце июля. Замерзает озеро в середине октября. Толщина льда к концу мая достигает 170—190 см.
Jack London's lake is located in the Magadan region (Russia). It is surrounded with mountains and is situated at the height of 803 meters. Its length is 10 kilometers, and depth reaches 50 meters. This surprisingly pure lake is included into natural park known under the name "Jack London's Lake". The narrow extended lake reminds of fjords of Norway. Until the end of July ice-floes float on the lake, but at coast water warms-up to +10-12 °C. The highest water levels are observed in the middle to end of July. In the middle of October the lake freezes. Ice thickness by the end of May reaches 170 — 190 cm.
Jack London's lake is located in the Magadan region (Russia). It is surrounded with mountains and is situated at the height of 803 meters. Its length is 10 kilometers, and depth reaches 50 meters. This surprisingly pure lake is included into natural park known under the name "Jack London's Lake". The narrow extended lake reminds of fjords of Norway. Until the end of July ice-floes float on the lake, but at coast water warms-up to +10-12 °C. The highest water levels are observed in the middle to end of July. In the middle of October the lake freezes. Ice thickness by the end of May reaches 170 — 190 cm.
- Russia
- lake
- kilometer
- famous
- bank
- amazing
- in the middle
- Norway
- October
- to swim
- altitude