Озеро Баскунчак
Озеро Баскунчак - это солёное озеро, расположенное в Астраханской области (Россия). Его площадь составляет 115 квадратных километров. Озеро находится в 250 километрах от Каспийского моря. Вода в озере на 90% состоит из соли. Озеро Баскунчак находится в заповедной зоне, а на его побережье имеются залежи лечебных глин.
The lake Baskunchak is a salt lake located in the Astrakhan region (Russia). Its area makes 115 square kilometers. The lake is situated in 250 kilometers from the Caspian Sea. Water of the lake consists of 90% salt. The lake Baskunchak is situated in a reserved zone and there are therapeutic clay reserves on its coast.
The lake Baskunchak is a salt lake located in the Astrakhan region (Russia). Its area makes 115 square kilometers. The lake is situated in 250 kilometers from the Caspian Sea. Water of the lake consists of 90% salt. The lake Baskunchak is situated in a reserved zone and there are therapeutic clay reserves on its coast.
- square
- lake
- kilometer
- salty
- to be, to exist