Сегодня родился Левитан Исаак Ильич
30 августа 1860 года родился Левитан Иссак Ильич. Это русский художник и мастер "пейзажа настроения". В честь И. Левитана названа улица в Тель-Авиве. В Израиле хранится много произведений Левитана, о существовании которых долгое время было неизвестно в СССР, а затем и в России.
On August 30, 1860 Levitan Issak Ilyich was born. This is a Russian artist and the master of a "mood landscape". A street in Tel Aviv was named in honor of I. Levitan. Many works of Levitan were not known in the USSR, and then in Russia. They were stored in Israel for a long time.
On August 30, 1860 Levitan Issak Ilyich was born. This is a Russian artist and the master of a "mood landscape". A street in Tel Aviv was named in honor of I. Levitan. Many works of Levitan were not known in the USSR, and then in Russia. They were stored in Israel for a long time.
- street
- artist
- for a long time
- time
- Israel
- store, keep
- Russian