Сегодня родился Глушко Валентин Петрович
2 сентября 1908 года родился Глушко Валентин Петрович. Это инженер, крупный советский учёный в области ракетно-космической техники, один из пионеров ракетно-космической техники, основоположник отечественного жидкостного ракетного двигателестроения, действительный член Международной академии аэронавтики.
On September 2, 1908 Glushko Valentin Petrovich was born. This is an engineer, the outstanding Soviet scientist in the field of the missile and space equipment, one of pioneers of the missile and space equipment, the founder of domestic liquid rocket engine-building, the full member of the International academy of aeronautics.
On September 2, 1908 Glushko Valentin Petrovich was born. This is an engineer, the outstanding Soviet scientist in the field of the missile and space equipment, one of pioneers of the missile and space equipment, the founder of domestic liquid rocket engine-building, the full member of the International academy of aeronautics.
- scientist
- engineer
- technique, machinery, engineering
- international
- cosmic