Сегодня родился Виноградов Иван Матвеевич
14 сентября 1891 года родился Виноградов Иван Матвеевич. Это советский математик, академик АН СССР, преподаватель, профессор, директор. Научные работы Виноградова по преимуществу посвящены аналитической теории чисел. Его главным достижением было создание метода тригонометрических сумм, одного из самых сильных и мощных методов, который является сейчас одним из основных в аналитической теории чисел. С помощью этого метода он решил ряд проблем, которые казались недоступными математике начала XX века.
On September 14, 1891 Vinogradov Ivan Matveevich was born. This is a Soviet mathematician, a academician of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, a teacher, a professor, a director. Scientific works of Vinogradov are mainly devoted to the analytical theory of numbers. His main achievement was a creation of a method of the trigonometrical sums that is one of the strongest and powerful methods in analytical theory now. By means of this method he solved a number of problems which seemed inaccessible to mathematics of the beginning of the XX century.
On September 14, 1891 Vinogradov Ivan Matveevich was born. This is a Soviet mathematician, a academician of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, a teacher, a professor, a director. Scientific works of Vinogradov are mainly devoted to the analytical theory of numbers. His main achievement was a creation of a method of the trigonometrical sums that is one of the strongest and powerful methods in analytical theory now. By means of this method he solved a number of problems which seemed inaccessible to mathematics of the beginning of the XX century.
- now
- professor
- teacher, professor
- mathmatcian
- director
- problem
- mathmatics
- accomplishments