Сегодня родился Петросян Евгений Ваганович
16 сентября 1945 года родился Петросян Евгений Ваганович. Это советский и российский артист эстрады, писатель-юморист, телеведущий и режиссёр-постановщик. Со школьных лет Петросян читал басни, стихи, фельетоны, играл сценки, участвовал в агитбригаде, играл в народных театрах, вёл концерты. В 1961 году Петросян приехал из Баку в Москву, мечтая стать актёром. С 1962 года начал выступать на профессиональной сцене. Петросян был женат 4 раза. Последняя жена - Елена Степаненка - известная российская актриса. Брак с нею длится до сих пор.
On September 16, 1945 Petrosyan Evgeny Vaganovich was born. This is the Soviet and Russian performer, the comic writer, the TV host and the production director. Since school years Petrosyan read fables, verses, feuilletons, played sketches, participated in a propaganda team, played at folk theaters, conducted concerts. In 1961 Petrosyan arrived from Baku to Moscow, dreaming to become an actor. Since 1962 he appeared on professional stage. Petrosyan was married 4 times. The last wife - Elena Stepanenka - a famous russian actress. Marriage with her still lasts.
On September 16, 1945 Petrosyan Evgeny Vaganovich was born. This is the Soviet and Russian performer, the comic writer, the TV host and the production director. Since school years Petrosyan read fables, verses, feuilletons, played sketches, participated in a propaganda team, played at folk theaters, conducted concerts. In 1961 Petrosyan arrived from Baku to Moscow, dreaming to become an actor. Since 1962 he appeared on professional stage. Petrosyan was married 4 times. The last wife - Elena Stepanenka - a famous russian actress. Marriage with her still lasts.
- verse, lines
- theater
- to become
- film director
- writer
- dream
- concert
- merried
- Eugene
- to advance
- actor