На Руси строго соблюдали религиозные посты. В эти дни нельзя есть мясо. Поэтому грибы, которые из-за высокой питательной ценности называют вторым мясом, в эти дни были просто необходимы для организма человека. Грибы жарили, варили, тушили, солили, использовали как начинку для пирогов.
In ancient Russia people carefully followed fasts. During these days it's forbidden to eat meat. And mushrooms were a necessity for these days due to their high nutritional benefit. That's why mushrooms were called a second meat. People fried mushrooms, cooked, stewed, salted and used them as a stuffing for pies.
In ancient Russia people carefully followed fasts. During these days it's forbidden to eat meat. And mushrooms were a necessity for these days due to their high nutritional benefit. That's why mushrooms were called a second meat. People fried mushrooms, cooked, stewed, salted and used them as a stuffing for pies.
- man, person
- because
- simple, easy
- to be called