Сегодня родился Николай Ильич Денисов
1 октября 1945 года родился Николай Ильич Денисов. Это российский актёр, драматург, поэт, автор текстов песен, член жюри многих музыкальных конкурсов, творческий продюсер ряда проектов. Николай родился в семье коренных петербуржцев, окончил актёрское отделение Ленинградского института театра, музыки и кинематографии. В качестве драматурга Николай Денисов постоянно сотрудничает с театрами Санкт-Петербурга.
On October 1, 1945 Nikolay Ilyich Denisov was born. This is a Russian actor, a playwright, a poet, an author of lyrics, a judge of many musical competitions, a creative producer of a number of projects. Nikolay was born in a family of native St. Petersburg inhabitants, he was graduated from actor's office of the Leningrad institute of theater, music and cinematography. As the playwright Nikolay Denisov constantly cooperates with theaters of St. Petersburg.
On October 1, 1945 Nikolay Ilyich Denisov was born. This is a Russian actor, a playwright, a poet, an author of lyrics, a judge of many musical competitions, a creative producer of a number of projects. Nikolay was born in a family of native St. Petersburg inhabitants, he was graduated from actor's office of the Leningrad institute of theater, music and cinematography. As the playwright Nikolay Denisov constantly cooperates with theaters of St. Petersburg.
- theater
- Russian
- institute
- author
- musician
- musical