Сегодня родился Гуржиев Сергей Николаевич
5 октября 1960 года родился Гуржиев Сергей Николаевич. Это российский инженер-физик, кандидат физико-математических наук. В 1984 году с отличием закончил факультет экспериментальной и теоретической физики Московского Инженерно Физического Института. В 1995 году защитил кандидатскую диссертацию с темой "Детекторы для физики высоки энергий". Участвовал в масштабных экспериментах по изучению нейтринных взаимодействий. Соавтор открытия top-кварка (D0 - D zero, Fermi National Acceleration Laboratory). Один из создателей первой в России цифровой рентгеновской медицинской техники.
On October 5, 1960 Gurzhiev Sergey Nikolaevich was born. He is a Russian engineer and physicist, PhD in physical and mathematical sciences. In 1984 he graduated with distinction from the Faculty of Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. In 1995 he defended a PhD thesis with the theme "Detectors for high-energy physics". He participated in large-scale experiments with neutrino interactions. He is a co-discoverer of a top-quark (D0-D zero, Fermi National Acceleration Laboratory). One of the founders of Russia's first digital X-ray medical equipment.
On October 5, 1960 Gurzhiev Sergey Nikolaevich was born. He is a Russian engineer and physicist, PhD in physical and mathematical sciences. In 1984 he graduated with distinction from the Faculty of Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. In 1995 he defended a PhD thesis with the theme "Detectors for high-energy physics". He participated in large-scale experiments with neutrino interactions. He is a co-discoverer of a top-quark (D0-D zero, Fermi National Acceleration Laboratory). One of the founders of Russia's first digital X-ray medical equipment.
- physicist
- Sergey
- institute
- engineer
- energy
- technique, machinery, engineering
- faculty