Росомаха - это хищное млекопитающее величиной с собаку. Ее вес может достигать до 30 кг. Росомаха имеет густой и грубый волосяной покров. В России росомаха обитает преимущественно в Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке. Большую часть жизни росомаха проводит в одиночестве, рьяно защищая границы своей территории от особей своего пола. Росомаха всеядна. Она очень вынослива и агрессивна. Этот зверь может напасть на человека и даже волка. Росомаха является довольно злобным зверем, так что даже медведь при встрече с росомахой старается обойти её стороной.
Wolverine is a predatory mammal with the size of a dog. Its weight can be as much as 30 kg. It has thick and rough indumentum. In Russia wolverine lives mainly in Siberia and in the Far East. It lives most of the time alone, zealously protecting borders of its territory from the individuals of its gender. Wolverines are omnivorous. It is very hardy and aggressive. This animal can attack a human and even a wolf. It is quite a spiteful animal so even a bear when meeting it tries to avoid it.
Wolverine is a predatory mammal with the size of a dog. Its weight can be as much as 30 kg. It has thick and rough indumentum. In Russia wolverine lives mainly in Siberia and in the Far East. It lives most of the time alone, zealously protecting borders of its territory from the individuals of its gender. Wolverines are omnivorous. It is very hardy and aggressive. This animal can attack a human and even a wolf. It is quite a spiteful animal so even a bear when meeting it tries to avoid it.
- man, person
- very
- bear
- thick
- dog
- aggressive
- boundary
[zasshisshàt' svoìkh detèj]
- to protect