Романтический завтрак
Мы привыкли к выражению "романтический ужин", однако завтрак тоже может быть романтическим. И главное это не то, что вы готовите, а как и для кого. Здесь важны не продукты, которые вы выбираете, а красивая подача и окружающая атмосфера. Не забывайте о том, что практически любое блюдо вы можете сделать в виде сердца.
We are accustomed to the phrase "romantic dinner", however the breakfast can be romantic too. And it is not important what you prepare, the main thing is how you do it and for who. Here important not the foods that you choose, but beautiful serving and the surrounding atmosphere. Don't forget that you can make practically any dish in the form of heart.
We are accustomed to the phrase "romantic dinner", however the breakfast can be romantic too. And it is not important what you prepare, the main thing is how you do it and for who. Here important not the foods that you choose, but beautiful serving and the surrounding atmosphere. Don't forget that you can make practically any dish in the form of heart.
- breakfast
- to have breakfast
- to prepare
- beautiful
- products, produces