Сегодня родился Дружинин Александр Васильевич
20 октября 1824 года родился Дружинин Александр Васильевич. Это русский писатель, литературный критик, переводчик Байрона и Шекспира, инициатор создания Общества для пособия нуждающимся литераторам и учёным. Дружинин имел дворянское происхождение, получил домашнее образование. Дружинин заведовал полковой библиотекой и много читал. По слабому здоровью и желанию посвятить себя литературе в январе 1846 вышел в отставку в чине подпоручика. Он дружил со многими писателями и поэтами, такими как Тургенев и многими другими выдающимися личностями. Дружинин публиковал в журнале "Современник" свои рассказы, повести, романы, а также очерки текущей периодики и литературно-критические статьи.
On October 20, 1824 Druzhinin Alexander Vasilyevich was born. This is a Russian writer, a literary critic, Byron and Shakespeare's translator, the initiator of creation of Society for a grant to the needing writers and scientists. Druzhinin had a noble origin, got a home education. Druzhinin managed regimental library and read a lot. In January, 1846 he retired with the second lieutenant's rank. He was on friendly terms with many writers and poets, such as Turgenev and many other outstanding persons. Druzhinin published in the magazine "Современник" his stories, novels, and also sketches of current periodical press and literary critiques.
On October 20, 1824 Druzhinin Alexander Vasilyevich was born. This is a Russian writer, a literary critic, Byron and Shakespeare's translator, the initiator of creation of Society for a grant to the needing writers and scientists. Druzhinin had a noble origin, got a home education. Druzhinin managed regimental library and read a lot. In January, 1846 he retired with the second lieutenant's rank. He was on friendly terms with many writers and poets, such as Turgenev and many other outstanding persons. Druzhinin published in the magazine "Современник" his stories, novels, and also sketches of current periodical press and literary critiques.
- novel
- story
- writer
- translator, interpretator
- education
- magazine