Впервые ежи появились на Земле 15 миллионов лет тому назад. Взрослый еж имеет около 10 000 иголок и 36 зубок, которые могут выпадать в период старения. Зимой ежи спят, а весной когда просыпаются постоянно едят после долгого перерыва. Ежи не боятся ядовитых гадюк и их яда. Они с удовольствием едят змей. Ежи могут быть домашними питомцами. Они никогда не накалывают на свои иголки ягоды или другие предметы. Это просто миф.
For the first time hedgehogs appeared on Earth 15 million years ago. An adult hedgehog has about 10 000 needles and 36 teeth which can drop out during aging. In winter hedgehogs sleep, and in spring when they wake up they constantly eat after a long break. Hedgehogs aren't afraid of venomous vipers and their poison. They eat snakes with pleasure. Hedgehogs can be domestic pets. They never pin on their needles any berries or other subjects. It just a myth.
For the first time hedgehogs appeared on Earth 15 million years ago. An adult hedgehog has about 10 000 needles and 36 teeth which can drop out during aging. In winter hedgehogs sleep, and in spring when they wake up they constantly eat after a long break. Hedgehogs aren't afraid of venomous vipers and their poison. They eat snakes with pleasure. Hedgehogs can be domestic pets. They never pin on their needles any berries or other subjects. It just a myth.
- berries
- man, person
- object, item
- after(wards), later (on)
- in spring
- domestic, home