Чихуахуа - это самая маленькая порода собак в мире. Ее родиной является Мексика. В соотношении к размеру тела у чихуахуа самый большой мозг среди собак. Они легко поддаются дрессировке и быстро осваивают новые команды. Несмотря на свой миниатюрный размер, эти собаки могут быть очень агрессивны, поэтому их с детства нужно приучать к "обществу". Впервые чихуахуа появилась в России в 1959 году, когда Фидель Кастро подарил двух щенков этой породы Хрущеву в знак дружбы.
The chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog in the world. Its homeland is Mexico. In the ratio to the body size chihuahua has the biggest brain among dogs. They easily give in to training and learn quickly new commands. Despite their tiny size, these dogs can be very aggressive that's why they must be accustomed to "society" since their childhood. For the first time a chihuahua appeared in Russia in 1959 when Fidel Castro presented two puppies of this breed to Khrushchev as a sign of friendship.
The chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog in the world. Its homeland is Mexico. In the ratio to the body size chihuahua has the biggest brain among dogs. They easily give in to training and learn quickly new commands. Despite their tiny size, these dogs can be very aggressive that's why they must be accustomed to "society" since their childhood. For the first time a chihuahua appeared in Russia in 1959 when Fidel Castro presented two puppies of this breed to Khrushchev as a sign of friendship.
- the very
- size, dimention
- because
- very
- Mexico
- easy, easily
- quickly
- dog
- aggressive