Сегодня родился Фурманов Дмитрий Андреевич
7 ноября 1891 года родился Фурманов Дмитрий Андреевич. Это советский писатель-прозаик, революционер, военный и политический деятель. Фурманов известен читателям за свой роман "Чапаев". В училище Фурманов решил посвятить свою жизнь литературе. 1912 года он поступил в Московский университет на филологический факультет. Не завершив учебу, он ушёл на войну. Там он познакомился со своей женой Анной. Дмитрий работал в литературном издательстве в Москве. В 1934 году по материалам книги "Чапаев" режиссёры поставили одноимённый фильм, завоевавший в СССР огромную популярность.
On November 7, 1891 Furmanov Dmitry Andreevich was born. This is a Soviet writer prose writer, a revolutionary, a military and a politician. Furmanov is known to readers for his novel "Chapayev". In school Furmanov decided to devote the life to literature. 1912 he went to the Moscow university on philological faculty. Without having finished study, he left for war. There he got acquainted with future wife Anna. Dmitry worked in literary publishing house in Moscow. In 1934 on materials of the book "Chapayev" directors put the movie of the same name which won huge popularity in the USSR.
On November 7, 1891 Furmanov Dmitry Andreevich was born. This is a Soviet writer prose writer, a revolutionary, a military and a politician. Furmanov is known to readers for his novel "Chapayev". In school Furmanov decided to devote the life to literature. 1912 he went to the Moscow university on philological faculty. Without having finished study, he left for war. There he got acquainted with future wife Anna. Dmitry worked in literary publishing house in Moscow. In 1934 on materials of the book "Chapayev" directors put the movie of the same name which won huge popularity in the USSR.
- film
- philological
- faculty
- novel
- film director
- writer
- military man
- literature
- reader