Сегодня родилась Гельцер Екатерина Васильевна
14 ноября 1876 года в Москве родилась Гельцер Екатерина Васильевна. Это русская балерина, крупнейшая «звезда» советского балета 1920-х годов. Екатерина родилась в семье артистов. С 1898 по 1935 годы Гельцер выступала на сцене Большого театра. С 1910 года принимала участие в гастрольных поездках за рубеж. Сценическая манера Екатерины Гельцер представляла собой синтез безукоризненной техники исполнения, музыкальности, выразительности танца с повышенным вниманием к внутренней жизни сценического образа. Огромный успех имела 50-летняя Гельцер в первом советском балете «Красный мак».
On November 14, 1876 in Moscow Geltser Ekaterina Vasilyevna was born. This is a Russian ballerina, a "star" of the Soviet ballet of the 1920th years. Ekaterina was born in a family of actors. From 1898 to 1935 Geltser appeared on stage of the Bolshoi theater. Since 1910 she took part in tours abroad. The scenic manner of Ekaterina Geltser represented synthesis of perfect technology of execution, musicality, expressiveness of dance with special attention to internal life of a scenic image. The huge success was made by 50-year-old Geltser in the first Soviet ballet "Red Poppy".
On November 14, 1876 in Moscow Geltser Ekaterina Vasilyevna was born. This is a Russian ballerina, a "star" of the Soviet ballet of the 1920th years. Ekaterina was born in a family of actors. From 1898 to 1935 Geltser appeared on stage of the Bolshoi theater. Since 1910 she took part in tours abroad. The scenic manner of Ekaterina Geltser represented synthesis of perfect technology of execution, musicality, expressiveness of dance with special attention to internal life of a scenic image. The huge success was made by 50-year-old Geltser in the first Soviet ballet "Red Poppy".
- ballet
- theater
- actor
- technique, machinery, engineering
- huge
- success