Сегодня родился Петров Осип Афанасьевич
14 ноября 1806 года родился Петров Осип Афанасьевич. Это знаменитый русский оперный певец. С детства пел в церковном хоре, самостоятельно научился играть на гитаре. После нескольких лет выступлений в провинциальных городах в 1830 певец оказался в Петербурге, где с восторгом был принят публикой. Он вскоре стал одним из ведущих столичных оперных солистов, исполняя басовые партии в сочинениях Мейербера, Россини, Беллини и других композиторов. Настоящим звёздным часом Петрова стала премьера в 1836 году оперы Глинки «Жизнь за царя» («Иван Сусанин»), в которой он исполнил главную роль.
On November 14, 1806 Petrov Osip Afanasyevich was born. This is a well-known Russian opera singer. Since his childhood he sang in church choir, he learned to play the guitar by himself. After several years of performances in country towns in 1830 the singer appeared in St. Petersburg where he was enthusiastically accepted by public. Soon he became one of the leading capital opera soloists, performing bass parts in compositions of Meyerbeer, Rossini, Bellini and other composers. The premiere in 1836 of Glinka's opera "Life for the tsar" ("Ivan Susanin") in which he played a main role became the real hour of triumph of Petrov.
On November 14, 1806 Petrov Osip Afanasyevich was born. This is a well-known Russian opera singer. Since his childhood he sang in church choir, he learned to play the guitar by himself. After several years of performances in country towns in 1830 the singer appeared in St. Petersburg where he was enthusiastically accepted by public. Soon he became one of the leading capital opera soloists, performing bass parts in compositions of Meyerbeer, Rossini, Bellini and other composers. The premiere in 1836 of Glinka's opera "Life for the tsar" ("Ivan Susanin") in which he played a main role became the real hour of triumph of Petrov.
- singer
- composer
- to play
- city (noun, m.)
- after(wards), later (on)
- childhood
- guitar