Сегодня родился Щепкин Михаил Семёнович
17 ноября 1788 года родился Щепкин Михаил Семёнович. Это русский актёр, один из основоположников русской актёрской школы. Он начал свою актерскую деятельность в домашнем театре, затем был суфлером. Впервые на профессиональную сцену он вышел в 1805 году. Щепкин играл в театральных труппах разных городов. Он исполнял самые разные роли. Однажды Щепкин был приглашен работать в Малый театр в Москве, где играл до конца жизни. В наши дни улицы в нескольких городах России названы в честь Щепкина.
On November 17, 1788 Shchepkin Mikhail Semyonovich was born. This is a Russian actor, one of founders of the Russian actor's school. He began the actor's activity in a home theater, then he was a prompter. For the first time he stepped on the professional stage in 1805. Shchepkin played in theatrical companies of the different cities. He played the most different roles. Once Shchepkin was invited to work in Maly Theatre in Moscow where he played until the end of his life. Today streets in several cities of Russia are called in honor of Shchepkin.
On November 17, 1788 Shchepkin Mikhail Semyonovich was born. This is a Russian actor, one of founders of the Russian actor's school. He began the actor's activity in a home theater, then he was a prompter. For the first time he stepped on the professional stage in 1805. Shchepkin played in theatrical companies of the different cities. He played the most different roles. Once Shchepkin was invited to work in Maly Theatre in Moscow where he played until the end of his life. Today streets in several cities of Russia are called in honor of Shchepkin.