Яркая галактика
Мессье 94 - это яркая и красивая спиральная галактика, расположенная в созвездии Гончих Псов. Она находится на расстоянии 16 миллионов световых лет от нас и привлекает внимание ученых интенсивным уровнем формирования звезд. Именно этот процесс и делает галактику такой яркой. В этой галактике присутствует много молодых и ярких звезд.
Messier 94 is a bright and beautiful spiral galaxy located in Canes Venatici constellation. It is situated at distance of 16 million light years away from us and attracts attention of scientists by its intensive level of formation of stars. This process makes the galaxy so bright. There are many young and bright stars in this galaxy.
Messier 94 is a bright and beautiful spiral galaxy located in Canes Venatici constellation. It is situated at distance of 16 million light years away from us and attracts attention of scientists by its intensive level of formation of stars. This process makes the galaxy so bright. There are many young and bright stars in this galaxy.
- million
- attention
- to be, to exist
- young