Сегодня родился Вавилов Николай Иванович
25 ноября 1887 года в Москве родился Вавилов Николай Иванович. Это российский и советский учёный-генетик, ботаник, селекционер, географ. Организатор и участник ботанико-агрономических экспедиций, охвативших большинство континентов (кроме Австралии и Антарктиды), в ходе которых выявил древние очаги формообразования культурных растений. Создал учение о мировых центрах происхождения культурных растений. Обосновал учение об иммунитете растений, открыл закон гомологических рядов в наследственной изменчивости организмов. Вавилов внёс существенный вклад в разработку учения о биологическом виде. Под руководством Вавилова была создана крупнейшая в мире коллекция семян культурных растений.
On November 25, 1887 in Moscow Vavilov Nikolay Ivanovich was born. This is a Russian and Soviet scientist-geneticist, a botanist, a selector, a geographer. He was an organizer and a participant of the botanical-agronomic expeditions which captured the majority of continents (except Australia and Antarctica) during whom revealed the ancient centers of a shaping of cultural plants. He created the doctrine about the world centers of an origin of cultural plants. He proved the doctrine about immunity of plants, discovered the law of homological ranks in hereditary variability of organisms. Vavilov brought an essential contribution to development of the doctrine about a species. Under the leadership of Vavilov the world's largest collection of seeds of cultural plants was created.
On November 25, 1887 in Moscow Vavilov Nikolay Ivanovich was born. This is a Russian and Soviet scientist-geneticist, a botanist, a selector, a geographer. He was an organizer and a participant of the botanical-agronomic expeditions which captured the majority of continents (except Australia and Antarctica) during whom revealed the ancient centers of a shaping of cultural plants. He created the doctrine about the world centers of an origin of cultural plants. He proved the doctrine about immunity of plants, discovered the law of homological ranks in hereditary variability of organisms. Vavilov brought an essential contribution to development of the doctrine about a species. Under the leadership of Vavilov the world's largest collection of seeds of cultural plants was created.
- scientist
- center
- Russian
- low
- geographer
- geography
- Australia