Всемирный день домашних животных
30 ноября во многих странах мира люди празднуют Всемирный день домашних животных. Праздник был установлен защитниками природы на Международном конгрессе, который проходил в итальянской Флоренции в 1931 году. Этот праздник призван напоминать человеку о наших меньших братьях, о которых мы должны заботиться.
On November 30 in many countries of the world people celebrate the World Pets Day. The holiday was established by defenders of the nature on the International congress which was held in the Italian Florence in 1931. This holiday is urged to remind people about our smaller brothers who we have to take care.
On November 30 in many countries of the world people celebrate the World Pets Day. The holiday was established by defenders of the nature on the International congress which was held in the Italian Florence in 1931. This holiday is urged to remind people about our smaller brothers who we have to take care.
- man, person
- animal
- celebration, holiday, festival
- domestic, home
- to take