Подводная статуя
Самая большая в мире подводная скульптура была построена недалеко от побережья Нассау - столицы Багамских островов. Некоторые отдельные части этой скульптуры пришлось собирать на суше, а затем опускать в воду при помощи огромного крана. Своей подводной статуей скульптор хотел подчеркнуть необходимость защищать океан и его ценные недра.
The biggest underwater sculpture in the world was constructed near the coast of Nassau - the capital of the Bahamas. Some separate parts of this sculpture had to be collected on the land, and then put it in water by means of the huge crane. The sculptor wanted to emphasize with his underwater statue the necessity to protect the ocean and its valuable waters.
The biggest underwater sculpture in the world was constructed near the coast of Nassau - the capital of the Bahamas. Some separate parts of this sculpture had to be collected on the land, and then put it in water by means of the huge crane. The sculptor wanted to emphasize with his underwater statue the necessity to protect the ocean and its valuable waters.
- island
- ocean
- not far
[zasshisshàt' svoìkh detèj]
- to protect
- huge
- capital
- to collect, to gather